Saturday, November 21, 2009

Turkey Dreams and Spitup Reality

I woke up from a very hazy dream this morning (about Thanksgiving and eating an entire turkey by myself) to the sound of my sweet daughter's voice over the monitor. She was laying in her crib content as could be, talking to herself. Just that little babble that babies do. It's always such a sweet little sound. Just when you think you can't fall in love more with your little bundle, you do. Amazing and fascinating how much someone so small can take over your entire world, isn't it?

I pulled my lazy (and still half asleep) body out of bed and went in to see her. Honestly, I kind of wanted to go back to my dream. That was a darn good turkey...wonder what else I would have devoured on my own... There my Sweetpea was, lying on her back with her feet in her hands, talking away. We can give her any toy in this house and I am willing to bet that she would rather play with her toes. I was greeted this morning with a giant smile and coo of approval. (I had a bottle in my hands. She was happy. Ha!)

After a quick little conversation and a warm bottle to fill that little grumbling tummy, we did a quick diaper change--well, as quick as it can be when she rolls away from me--and played. Or rather, she played and proceeded to spit up all over her blanket, toy and hand, and I cleaned it up. She never noticed. She was too busy trying to stuff everything in her hands into her mouth. Apparently spitup just adds to the flavor. Yuck.

As of now, she is back in her bed taking what is going to be a very short nap. She is beginning to teethe, so those long naps I adored so much are beginning to fade. Wherever that darn nap fairy disappeared to, I will never know. I do know that if I ever find him, I am chaining his butt to her crib. :-)

Anyway, subject change!!
It's almost here: Thanksgiving. Yay! Oh, how I love this holiday. Good food, good family, lots of laughter and banter. I forget how much I look forward to it until it's almost here. Now with our little Sweetpea, it will be even better. She's old enough to kind of enjoy certain foods, and it has already been established that she is a fan of mashed potatoes. Wonder what her take on gravy will be?

No holiday is more comforting to me than Thanksgiving. The smell of my parent's house when all that food has been cooking is so comforting. Then that night, we can watch the annual lighting of a giant Santa Claus downtown. This will be the first year we go to the lighting. I want to take our daughter. (I want to see it myself being lit up, too. I've lived in this town for 15 years now and have never seen it when they light it up.)

Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks. I am thankful for my family, thankful to have such a loving and caring husband, thankful for the blessing God gave me: my little Sweetpea. I am thankful for the chance to be a mother, wife, daughter, sister, friend. I am thankful for so many things. How about you?

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